Thursday, August 21, 2014

Examples of Surrealism and Juxtaposition

Since there are countless examples of juxtaposition in art, and especially in Surrealism, there's no possible way we could see all the examples I have collected. Feel free to scroll through these images. They all show some kind of juxtaposition. If you're interested in photo manipulation apps for your iphone or tablet, check out Juxtaposer. There's a great tutorial on how to use it here. As soon as I'm able to set up a cloud drive, you will be able to submit your juxtaposed images. This is completely OPTIONAL and is not required. (Android users can use another great app called Image Editor... it pretty much does the same thing).

*Don't forget to check out the "How-To Videos" tab at the top of the blog for a great tutorial on drawing realistic eyes and the tutorial we saw this week about value scales.*