Monday, October 27, 2014

Sketchbook Prompt for the Wee of October 27, 2014

You may use one page or make a two-page layout. Collage, painting, and drawing are encouraged.
*If you do not celebrate Halloween for religious reasons, you may create a FALL/AUTUMN scene of your choice.
Salvador Dali, "Face of War". Around 1940
Francisco Goya, "Saturn Devouring His Son" (1819-1823)
Henry Fuseli, "The Nightmare" (1799-1801)

Edvard Munch, "The Scream" 1910

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sketch Book Prompt For the Week of 10/6/14

This week, I want you to take a look of the work by French artist, Henri Matisse. 
Matisse went through several art styles during his lifetime, and one of those "periods" was painting the scene from his window. He would travel quite a bit and really loved the idea of painting windows. Below are some of his paintings to give you inspiration. You may use on or two pages. And remember: the more details and shading, the better the work.

Matisse's window in France (photograph)

Below, are a couple of examples from other artists.